Yangon, Mandalay football academies launch new academic year

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U Zaw Zaw (Centre) cordially meets young students from Myanmar football academies. PHOTO: MFF

The 2024-2025 academic year of Myanmar Football Academy (Mandalay) and National Football Academy (Yangon), which provides free fundamental skills of football and school education, has started, the Myanmar Football Federation stated.
At the beginning of the academic year, Myanmar Football Federation President U Zaw Zaw warmly met and greeted the young students and their parents. Along with the ceremony to welcome the academic year, student-parent meetings were also held at the football academies of Yangon and Mandalay.
A total of 84 students will study football education at the National Football Academy (Yangon) during the 2024-2025 academic year.
The Ayeyawady Foundation has contributed to the daily nutrition of the students and will nurture them through various levels to ensure that they are fit and excellent at football. Upon completion of the academy education, the students may be given the opportunity to play as professional players in domestic and international clubs, depending on individual talent and skills. — Ko Nyi Lay/KZL

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