Number of yam farmers increases

photo 2024 06 26 12 05 13
Yams grown in Myanmar.

The number of elephant foot yam farmers in Myanmar has increased more than before, according to farmers and traders.
“San Htate Htar Company makes yam into different kinds of noodles, and some produce into pieces. Plantation hasn’t declined compared to the past; it is even more developed now. In the export sector, it has buyers from China, Singapore, Japan and South Korea. In summer, yams were bought from wholesalers in Mandalay, so the sale is good. Price is different now,” said an official from Evergreen Yam Seeds and raw materials and herbicide distribution from PyinOoLwin Township.
If it is able to produce yam-finished products with the help of modern laboratory equipment inside the country, the market will develop more both locally and internationally, he said.
“If we are able to produce food products in large quantities, encourage more consumers, and ensure the distribution is strong in the domestic market, it can help farmers as well as traders. If we can ensure quality control with the assistance of laboratory equipment, the price will be better. If we can produce the finished product, consumers can eat it safely, and traders will enjoy more profit. We are just able to export it in raw material for now,” he added. — Thit Taw/ZS/ED

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