Veteran singer Cho Wai Lwin laid to rest at Yayway Cemetery

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Singer Cho Wai Lwin.

The funeral of veteran singer Cho Wai Lwin, who remained successful until her passing, was held at Yayway Cemetery on 17 June.
U Lwin Myint, Chairman of the Myanmar Music Association (Central), stated that Daw Cho Wai Lwin passed away at her home in Yangon Region at 11 pm on 15 June due to old age. He noted that her death was a significant loss to the Myanmar music world.
Daw Cho Wai Lwin was the wife of prominent pianist Hla Htut and the mother of famous music conductor Myat Min. She began her music career while still in middle school, initially performing in the school band. Later, her songs were recorded on gramophone records.
Her song ‘Khayeephaw’ (travelling companion), composed by her husband, was released 58 years ago and remains popular to this day.
She was 85 years old at the time of her death, according to her family. — ASH/TWA/MKKS

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