Union Information Minister visits iconic sites in Kunming

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Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn and Myanmar’s delegation pose for the group documentary photo during their observation tours in Yunnan Province, China.

The Myanmar delegation led by Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn on Monday visited famous sites in Kunming of Yunnan Province, China, together with representatives of Lancang-Mekong member countries and South Asian countries after attending the fifth Lancang-Mekong Audiovisual Week.
They visited the Kunming International Flora Auction Trading Centre Co Ltd and Yunnan Digital Flower Industry.
The flower trading centre was established by the China National Development and Reform Commission and People’s Government of Yunnan Province in 2001. It became the second-largest fresh-cut flower trading market in the world and the largest one in Asia, exporting the flowers to over 40 countries daily.
Delegates proceeded to the Yunnan Baiyao Group Co Ltd and inspected the company’s traditional medicine production processes and work procedures.
The Union minister and party also attended the dinner event hosted by Yunnan Daily Chairman Mr Hwang at Wanda Realm Hotel. They exchanged views on the resumption of the Twin City Forum in Kunming soon by the Yunnan-Myanmar Forum and plans to discuss in Myanmar to promote public participation in agriculture, livestock breeding, economy, social and culture in addition to the media sector.
Moreover, MRTV Director-General U Ye Naing met officials of the Yunnan Media Group and discussed the broadcasting of news photos and videos of Myanmar on the Mekong Look Application and the signing of an MoU between the MRTV and YMG, and the director-general received the sample files and video footages of the YMG. — MNA/KTZH

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