Union Information Minister discusses screening processes with stakeholders of film industry

Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn met businesspersons from the film production industries at Studio 1 in Bahan Township, Yangon, yesterday.
Speaking at the event, the Union minister said the producers emphasize movies that the fans prefer, whereas screening films at the cinema plays a key role. When the government sold the cinemas to the private sector for commercial purposes, the conditions stated the cinemas must run the movie screening industry. Currently, some of the cinemas have not been reopened, but they are encouraged to reopen.
He also mentioned the movie screening processes in different eras, uninvolved in movie screening by the ministry to be able to freely reopening of cinemas after the COVID-19 period, and possible ways to cover the expenses of producers in making films.
He then urged the producers to make proper movies that are marketable and that carry Myanmar culture, customs, and heritage. He underlined the need to supervise to prevent illegal recording in cinemas and other matters related to the loans to remedy COVID-19’s impact on the economy and the willingness of the Head of State to produce movies that support cultures, traditions, customs, and the tourism industry.
The Union minister concluded the meeting after hearing the discussions of the chairman of the Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization, cinema entrepreneurs and producers. — MNA/KTZH

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