Union Information Minister discusses music industry development

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Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn is seen at the meeting for the reorganizing of the Myanmar Music Association, holding of Myanmar Music Day and Music Academy Award events and copyrights.  photo : MNA

Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn met with officials from the music industry at the meeting hall of Myanmar Music Association (Central) in Yangon yesterday.
The Union minister first highlighted the critical role of artistes in easing the pain of the public and the massive participation of those who represent the youths and serve for the sake of the people.
He continued that cooperation is required to ensure the rights of musicians. The event to celebrate Myanmar Music Day will be held at the National Theatre on 27 June. The artistes from various levels of the music industry should work together in unity for that entertainment event, and the government will also provide the needed assistance.
He then stressed the need to set the rules and regulations to select the categories of prizes and numbers of prizes for Music Academy in detail and collect the attitudes of the artistes from the music industry so as to consider the weaknesses for coming events.
He concluded the meeting after hearing the presentations made by the attendees.
The Union minister proceeded to the plot for Sarso Beikman in Mingala Taungnyunt Township.
On arrival at the site, region Social Affairs Minister U Htay Aung, Permanent Secretary U Win Kyaw Aung and acting director-general of the Printing and Publishing Department U Ko Ko Naing explained the construction structure of Sarso Beikman, cost and location.
Then, the Union minister said Sarso Beikman is a place for intellectuals and people for their recreation, literary talks and peaceful reading sessions. It is an essential building for the country. It will be constructed with the help of India, showing the bilateral relationship between the two countries. He continued that the Prime Minister also instructed the implementation of the building as quickly as possible in accordance with the rules and regulations.
At noon, the Union minister met the chairman of the Myanmar Press Council and journalists at the Motion Pictures Branch in Bahan Township and discussed matters related to the publications of newspapers and journals, accurate news coverage and distribution processes. — MNA/KTZH

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