Two monks killed after accusations of being informers

photo 2024 04 02 03 31 48

PDF terrorists commit destructive actions against government employees and innocent civilians, including monks, due to the instigation of NUG and CRPH.
Abbot Sayadaw Bhaddanta Okkahta (47 years old, 25 Vasa) in Myaik village of Shwebo Township of Sagaing Region was stabbed to death by PDF terrorists at 8 am on 28 March.
Similarly, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pannasara of Hman Chayyintaung Tawya near Myintaegyi village of Natmauk Township was arrested by PDFs. They forced Sayadaw to wear a Tatmadaw uniform and Police Force uniform and shot him.
Terrorists commit brutal murder cases against civilians who do not support them and monks. Security forces cooperate with locals to arrest terrorists who killed the monks for no reason as soon as possible. — MNA/KTZH

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