Trucks to be allowed to pass new Thanlyin Bridge at specified times daily

The Department of Highways under the Ministry of Construction and the Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) are coordinating to set the time allowed for large trucks to pass through the new Thanlyin bridge.
Authorities have allowed large trucks, ranging from 10-wheelers to 22-wheelers, to cross the bridge since 16 June. However, the passage of these trucks may pose risks of traffic congestion and accidents due to the narrow city roads, prompting authorities to establish specific times for truck passage.
According to the current toll collection rates for trucks on the new Thanlyin Bridge, K12,000 for six to eight-wheel vehicles, K22,000 for 10 to 22-wheelers, and trucks exceeding the allowed load limit are fined based on vehicle size. Trucks carrying no load are charged K4,000.
Arrangements are underway to ensure the proper collection of road tolls, installation of the QR code system, prevention of wastage of money, and ensure systematic traffic flow. — TWA/TH

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