Transport services continued during Covid-19 pandemic period

Transport 7 sskm

In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports and Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), transport services, including airline, shipping, railway and bus tours are available to ensure the traffic is going smoothly amid the pandemic period, said officials from the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
During the Covid-19 period, flights are operating on a regular basis except for cities designated as Stay-at-Home sites.
From 17 July, a starting date of long public holidays, there have been 167 overseas relief flights with 4,629 passengers and 3,030,872 kilogrammes of goods and 64 trips to local cities along with 3,715 passengers.
Inland water transport is provided with regular routes of Yangon-Dala, Wahdan-Dala, Labattalay – Yaypawgyi, Kyon Thwe-Zee Phyu Chaung and the Mandalay-Bhamo and Rakhine State routes are also operated regularly. From 17 to 30 July, 439 river transport routes have been operated and 46,799 passengers and 2,581 tonnes of goods were delivered.
Myanmar Railways has been operating 36 regular rail lines daily starting from 19 July with two mail trains on the Yangon-Mandalay route, one express train on Yangon-Mawlamyine, one mail train on Yangon-Pyay, 12 RBE trains on the Yangon Circular rail lines, respectively. A total of 18 trains are operated daily.
From 19 to 30 July, a total of 22 trains, including eight freight trains, four general freight trains have been operating. From 17 to 30 July, 12,064 passengers, 192,264 tonnes of goods have been transported by 2,596 passenger vehicles and 21,781 lorries.
Airlines, shipping, trains and road transport are running regularly to facilitate the flow of goods. Due to the spread of infectious diseases, passenger transport has been reduced due to the decrease in passengers.
As of 17 July, 35 commercial vessels have entered Yangon and Thilawa ports while 21 commercial vessels left the port at the same time.
There has been container input (13,700) TEUs, output (10,671) TEUs, (259,454) metric tons of general commodities plus 22,401 metric tons during the public holidays.
In addition, the Myanmar Ports Authority (MTA) is on duty 24 hours a day to ensure the immediate release of anti-Covid-19 products and medicines imported by sea.
Officials also coordinated with the relevant departments to facilitate the entry and exit of 39 vehicles from Myawaddy and 81 vehicles carrying liquid oxygen and related materials on the Sino-Myanmar border, respectively. The vehicles will transport essential anti-Covid-19 equipment to Yangon and Mandalay.
The State Administration Council aims to vaccinate 50 per cent to 70 per cent of the country’s population by the end of this year. Aid supplies are delivered to the states and regions by domestic airlines.
It is also prepared to be able to transport 284 tonnes at a time with 50 lorries, officials said.
To facilitate the better transport and flow of goods, the Ministry of Transport and Communications is carrying out the transport process as per the instructions. — MNA

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