Thukha Dagon Housing winners face revocation unless occupied by 31 March

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The Thukha Dagon public rental housing.

The Department of Urban and Housing Development, under the Ministry of Construction, has announced the lots-drawing winners of the Thukha Dagon public rental housing will be taken back if they do not live there by 31 March.
The selection of residents have been announced through a drawing-lots system to live starting from 1 December at the Thukha Dagon public rental housing in Dagon Myothit (South) Township.
Some of the selected residents in the first round of drawing system do not come to live and their living permits will be revoked even though the relevant department thinks they are able to live comfortably.
“When some are actually struggling to obtain living permits, the house owners involve in the drawing-lots system. At present, people who don’t come to live there while paying the room rent but the rooms are closed like this. It is challenging for individuals who are waiting to live,” said Daw Yi Yi Hla, an applicant from Thakayta Township.
“If such a deadline is announced, no one will be taken back the room. There is only one thing that it can become a rental market. It is important for the department to check carefully so that this type of rental market does not appear. In most of the government rental housing, the selected applicants rent these rooms. For example, for Bandoola public rental housing, the rental fee is K30,000 per month to pay the government. But this flat rent in private is K100,000. Some flats have been sold at the hundreds of thousands,” said retired employee U Ngwe Thaung who is a winner of second lots-drawing.
A total of 1,728 flats were drawn from 108 buildings of the Thukha Dagon Public Housing project on 13 and 14 November 2023 and 1,376 flats were drawn from the remaining 86 buildings.
Currently, the lots-drawing winners of the first round have the living permits on 13 November and the lots-drawing winners of the second round on 14 November have not been informed to live including payment system, according to the winners. — TWA/MKKS

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