Tens of thousands visit Sin Ywa waterfall in Mon’s Paung township during holidays

photo 2024 06 24 15 55 43
Sin Ywa waterfall.

Sin Ywa Waterfall, a prominent rainy-season destination in Paung Township in Mon State, has been receiving tens of thousands of visitors during the holidays, according to an official from the Aung Nawarat Social Association.

Locals usually go to the waterfall every day to bathe and swim, but now they have to avoid going there on holidays including weekends, since this place is crowded with other visitors from Mawlamyine, Kyaikkhami, Setse, Mudon, Hpa-an and Thaton, he said.

“As the waterfall is very beautiful during the rainy season, many travellers visit here. Even tens of thousands of visitors from other places come on some holidays. It is very crowded at the waterfall. Locals usually go daily to the waterfall to bathe and swim. But they seldom go there on holidays as it is always crowded with guests,” he said.

photo 2024 06 24 15 55 45
Sin Ywa waterfall.

It is located in the Sin Ywa village, a four-mile drive from the Nat Kyi Chaung village which is eight to nine miles from Zinkyaik through the Nat Kyi Chaung market street. Since it has water only in the rainy season, most visitors come from May to Thadingyut.

“The water falls from a very high mountain in the middle. There are layers of rock underneath. There is a pagoda at the top. Parking fees at the Sin Ywa Waterfall are K 1000 for a motorcycle and K 1500 for a car,” he added.

There are lesser known waterfalls in Mon State while the Zinkyaik, Sin Ywa and Tamaungpan waterfalls receive many visitors. Travellers come in motorcycles, cars, light trucks and three-wheeler taxis, and this destination creates income opportunities for residents as they sell food for many visitors.


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