Taungpyone Festival to run for 8 days in August

taung pyone festival sskm
Photo depicts a scene of dancing for spirits at Taungpyone festival.

Buddha Pujaniya festival will be held in Taungpyone Village of Madaya Township, Mandalay Region, for eight days in August, as stated by the Sutaungpyae and Sutaungya pagoda board of trustees.
Taungpyone’s offering to the spirits will also be included in the festival from 12 to 19 August.
“Right now, we are still planning. About one-third of the people come. The event was also interrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, we are planning to sell space to those who want to open shops. We are still negotiating at the meeting,” said Chairperson U Htay Aung of the pagoda board of trustees.
Sutaungpyae Pagoda was built by King Anawrahta, and Sutaungya Pagoda was built by the people.
The Taungpyone festival is very crowded, with people coming from all over the country. Each tradition of the festival is celebrated day by day. During the festival day, the spirit dance is the main feature and is very popular among visitors.
Hundreds of thousands of people come to the festival every year, and it is a festival that includes many offerings to the gods and spirits. — ASH/KZL

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