Statements Issued over PDFs in Abducting Faculty Members, Educational Staff, Students of Kalay University

About 130 PDF terrorists entered Kalay University in Kalay Township of Sagaing Region from the southern direction at 7:30 am on 26 February and forcibly abducted faculty members, students and staff.
This kind of terrorist activity by PDF terrorists has greatly affected the education sector and the production of human resources, which are very important in nation building. Indeed, the forcible kidnapping of the teachers, who teach their students to be able to distinguish good and bad, and the future generation of students who will shoulder the responsibility of the country, using them as human shields, is an unacceptable act of terrorism. Therefore, various organizations, namely: Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Central), Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue Group (Central), Myanmar Evangelical Christian Alliance, Union of Myanmar Methodist Church (Lower Myanmar), Faith vangelical Church (Bago), Deliverance Church (Yangon), All Myanmar Hindu Central Council, All Myanmar Tamil Hindu Foundation (HQ), Thananta Dhamma Palaka (Hindu) Association, Islamic Religious Affairs Council Myanmar, Myanmar War Veterans Organization, Myanmar Press Council, Myanmar Sports Media Federation, Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization, Myanmar Music Association (Central), Myanmar Artists Organization (Central), Myanmar Theatrical Association (Central), Myanmar Comedians’ Association, Myanmar Writers’ Association, Pinnaygon Yakhine Jaame Mosque and Buthidaung-Maungtaw Regional Development Association, 21 organizations issued their respective opinions strongly protesting the kidnapping, it is reported.

Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (28-2-2024)

  • Since PDF terrorists forcibly abducted faculty members, students and staff has greatly affected the education sector and the production of human resources, which are very important in nation building and the abduction of teachers and students for the purpose of using as human shields are totally unacceptable, 21 organizations issued statements of strong condemnation on such acts.
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