SSB mobile medical units serve treatment to insured employees marking Diamond Jubilee Independence Day

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Union Information Minister U Maung Maung Ohn, Union Labour Minister Dr Pwint San and party inspect the healthcare services yesterday.

Two mobile medical units of the Social Security Board under the Ministry of Labour are providing healthcare services at its affiliated ministries like the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Electric Power and Ministry of Immigration and Population to hail the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day.
Union Minister for Labour Dr Pwint San comforted the operations of medical units and the Union ministers concerned also inspected the treatment processes yesterday.
The Social Security Board of MoL is drafting a strategic plan under the Social Insurance system and providing 15 SSB benefits of two insurance systems out of six to the employees, who are mainly from the country’s manufacturing sector, using the SSB contributions of employer, employee and government under the 2012 Social Security Law. Depending on the monthly SSB fees, insured workers can get the benefits such as health treatment, maternity, funeral, temporary disability benefit, permanent disability benefit and survivors’ benefits for decease owing to occupation.
Moreover, the SSB is carrying out four reforms – IT Reform, Medical Reform, Administrative Reform and Legal Reform to become a reliable department of insured workers, offer better healthcare, the main requirement of employers and employees and facilitate the fast flow of benefits.
The SSB implements the Social Security Project providing health care and benefits to 1.3 million insured workers in 116 townships at three workers’ hospitals, 99 SSB offices of regions/states/districts/townships, 96 township clinics, 57 departmental clinics, 12 Free for services payment clinics with PPS system, 25 Capitation payment clinics, eight obstetric clinics one traditional medicinal clinic and also offering treatment with two mobile medical units, and a total of 89,949 insured workers get treatment at departments to date.
The two mobile medical units of SSB under the Ministry of Labour will provide medical treatment at the Ministry of Information, Ministry of Immigration and Population, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Electric Power and Ministry of Labour between 12 and 14 December to hail the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day and will keep providing mobile health-care service at industrial zones of Yangon Region. — MNA/KTZH

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