Specialists offer medical treatments to residents in Mon State

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Mon State Chief Minister U Aung Kyi Thein and officials encourage the patients during the medical trip at Muyitkalay Station Hospital in Chaungzon Township on 22 June.  Photo: Ko Kyaw (Chaungzon)

Mon State Chief Minister U Aung Kyi Thein and state government ministers visited Muyitkalay Station Hospital in Chaungzon Township on 22 June, to encourage the field medical treatment programme conducted by specialists under the leadership of the Mon State Government, aimed at providing comprehensive healthcare to both urban and rural residents of the state.
The chief minister viewed the treatment being provided by specialists and then distributed nutritional supplements and gifts to the patients.
They also met with and encouraged the patients, coordinating any additional needs they might have.
In the medical treatment programme led by Dr Aung Myint Oo, Head of Mon State Medical Services Department, a total of 534 patients received treatment for various medical conditions.
These conditions included orthopaedic, eye, ear, nose, throat, skin, dental, obstetrics and gynaecology, as well as head and neck issues. Patients with general health, mental health, and paediatric medicine issues, including surgical cases, were also treated. The team also performed teleradiography and fusion procedures. — Ko Kyaw (Chaungzon)/ TH

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