Specialist medical teams provide treatment to residents in Kawthoung in Taninthayi Region

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The specialist medical team examines a child patient at Kawthoung District People’s Hospital.

Medical specialist teams, including professors and physicians from Yangon, Mandalay, and Nay Pyi Taw, are providing medical treatments in various states and regions. Teams from North Okkalapa and Thingangyun General Hospitals, and Yangon Children’s Hospital (550-bed), travelled to Kawthoung in the Taninthayi Region on 22 and 23 June 2024 to offer medical treatment to local residents.
During these medical trips, a total of 625 patients from Kawthoung and Bokpyin townships and surrounding areas received treatment for a range of medical conditions. These conditions included cardiac diseases, gastrointestinal issues, paediatric cardiac diseases, neurological ailments, and neurosurgery, among others. Six heart disease patients, one child with a heart condition, and three gastrointestinal patients were transferred to relevant hospitals in Yangon for further treatments.
The medical check-ups included various procedures such as echocardiography, X-ray examinations, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) tests, ultrasound scans, and electrocardiograms (ECG).
Taninthayi Region Chief Minister U Myat Ko and officials provided comfort and nutritional support to the patients. They also greeted the specialists and gave them local products as gifts.
These medical specialist teams have conducted 13 field trips in 2024. — MNA/KZL

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