Solar-powered pumps enable eco-friendly farming in two villages

The Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department has commenced solar-powered water pumping operations in Yaepawthaung Village, Htantabin Township, and Thabyaytan Village, Taikkyi Township.
Electric-powered water pumping stations were implemented on 1 February 2000, and they were solar-powered in the 2023-2024 financial year, funded by regional government development funds. These operations can supply irrigation water for 1,300 acres of summer paddy in Yaepawthaung and 1,350 acres in Thabyaytan.
Each project features a pair of 160 kW solar power systems that began operation on 22 January 2024. Running for seven hours daily, they collectively save 1,120 kWh of electricity per day. Throughout a summer paddy season, which is roughly 100 days, this translates to a total saving of 112,000 kWh, resulting in cost reductions of approximately K16.8 million.
The department deploys solar-powered pumps in agricultural areas with inadequate access to electricity. As solar energy is both clean and renewable, this initiative also contributes to environmental sustainability. — TWA/NT

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