Social protection can rely on social management information system

MSWRR p12 it
Union Minister Dr Thet Thet Khine chairs the meeting on social management information system (SMIS) yesterday.

Management of social protection through information technology can operate tasks quickly and precisely with transparency and cutting cost, said Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Thet Thet Khine at the meeting on the building of social management information system-SMIS yesterday morning.
She stressed that training for human resources is of importance to effectively apply the technology, adding it is necessary to implement the project under the original schedules.
The director-general of the Social Welfare Department and officials reported on the construction of the system, efforts to launch the system in January 2022 and the prospect of further quick and precise implementation of a cash assistance programme for social protection and protection of children and women. — MNA

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