Small-scale catfish farming will help income generation this time

photo 2024 06 06 16 29 11
A fish farmer showing freshwater catfishes.

During this period, a small-scale business of farming freshwater catfish will help improve the income generation in Myanmar, according to fish seed traders.

In addition to freshwater catfish, climbing perch and frog can be a choice for farming to enable early monetization in short time as it takes only three months of breeding them until marketing, they suggested.

“If they wish to do a small-scale farming, they can choose them. Some use tarpaulin to farm. With tarpaulin, they cannot farm rohu and mickeral fish, but they can farm frogs, catfish and perch. They normally farm fishes such as rohu and mickeral in acres. For small-scale farming, they choose frogs and catfish. Climbing fish can be farmed in a brick lake and it is spacious. Frogs, catfish and climbing perch can be mature and big enough within two to three months. So, if people farm them, they can make earnings within a short time. They need to feed enough to the number of fish they are farming,” said an official from Ko Zaw Moe fish seed trading which farms over 100 acres in Kayan Township.

This is the fish-spawning season and the period from April to June is classified, as “no fishing period” in 2023-2024 fiscal year and fishing season will start from July.

In previous years, closed season for fishing was classified according to the type of fishing boat and the suspension period varies from two to three months. No-fishing period is designated for April, May and June and it is reportedly planning to advance one month every year in designating the closed season..

Thit Taw/ZN

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