Sino-Myanmar border trade skyrockets to US$1.7 bln over last five months

The border trade value between Myanmar and China jumped to over US$1.7 billion in the past five months from April to August of the current financial year 2023-2024 from $1.058 billion recorded in the year-ago period, the Ministry of Commerce’s statistics showed.
The figure indicated a sharp increase of $648.106 million this FY compared to that in the corresponding period last FY 2022-2023.
Myanmar conducts cross-border trade with the neighbouring country China via Muse, Lweje, Chinshwehaw, Kampaiti and Kengtung. The Muse border saw a majority of the trade worth $1.072 billion.
The trade value stood at $540.091 million via Chinshwehaw, $57.449 million via Kampaiti, $32.78 million via Lweje and $3.35 million via Kengtung respectively.
Myanmar has been carrying out border trade with the four neighbouring countries China, Thailand, Bangladesh and India via the border posts.
Export items are agricultural produce, livestock products, fisheries products, minerals, forest products, manufacturing goods and other goods, while capital goods, intermediate goods, manufacturing goods and raw materials by CMP enterprises are imported.
Sino-Myanmar trade volume is regularly growing at present, with approximately 200 trucks flowing in and out of the Muse trade zone daily.
Myanmar daily delivers rice, broken rice, pulses, rubber, watermelon, mango, onion, fishery products, chilli pepper and other food commodities to China and building materials, electrical appliances, pharmaceuticals, equipment and food products are imported into the country. — NN/EM

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