Shweyaungdaw Pagoda to host Buddha Pujaniya festival in Beikthano Ancient Cultural Zone

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U Thar Oo, a member of Shweyaungdaw Pagoda Board of Trustees, said that the preparations are being made for the Buddha Pujaniya festival which will take place at Shweyaungdaw Pagoda in Beikthano Ancient Culture Zone of ​​Magway Region.

“In previous years, the festival started around from the waxing day of Tabodwe to the full moon of Tabaung. Some years, vendors still haven’t returned even in waning days. This year, the novitiation ceremony for 5,000 boys will be held on the 5, 6 and 7 April. The pagoda festival may be hosted until that day. Can’t say exactly yet. The market fest will start on 23 February,” said U Thar Oo.

It is reported that the novitiation ceremony for 5,000 boys will be held at the pagoda in Beikthano Ancient Culture Zone under the supervision of Mahamyaing Thae Phyu Sayadaw in cooperation with the Magway Region Government. At the moment, priority will be given to children who have not yet been initiated into novice hood in Magway Region. — ASH/MKKS/TTA

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