Shwebo Pawsan paddy price drives rice price up

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High-grade Pawsan rice variety from the Shwebo area jumped to K112,000 per bag on 17 July from K110,000 on 14 July. The photo shows workers loading rice bags onto the lorry.

High-grade Pawsan rice variety from the Shwebo area jumped to K112,000 per bag on 17 July from K110,000 on 14 July, according to the Wahdan Rice Wholesale Centre.
The rocketing price of Pawsan paddy from Shwebo at over K3 million per 100-baskets pushed up the price of Pawsan rice.
Similarly, the prices of other rice varieties are also moving onwards in the Yangon market. Pawsan rice prices moved in the range between K91,000 and K96,000 per bag depending on the producing areas (Myaungmya, Dedaye, Pyapon and Pathein). The new Pawsan rice price was priced at K89,000 per bag. Meanwhile, the prices stood at K95,000 per bag for Kyapyan, K82,000 for Khunni, 61,000 for Ngasein, K61,500 for Emahta and K62,000 for rice grown under intercropping season, Myanmar Rice Wholesale Centre (Wahdan).
Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) will join hands with the rice millers, rice traders and companies to stabilize the rice price and steer the market for the right price and the right product and encourage the mill owners to achieve balance between the short term profits and long term interests, as per the MRF’s notification dated 24 April.
Individuals and family entities can contact the rice wholesale centres for fair prices and the right products. For any difficulties, please contact the office of the MRF, as per the statement.
Additionally, it will inspect the manipulators who spread malicious rumours on digital platforms to spark the concerns of the consumers and raise the rice prices for the sake of the long-term benefit of the rice industry. The federation will forward the reports to the relevant authorities. The stakeholders in the supply chain need to exert concerted efforts in this, MRF notified. — NN/EM

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