Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani”

Direction diagram of the severe cyclonic storm “Asani”.

According to the observations at (17:30)hrs MST 9 May, the Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani” over West Central Bay and adjoining South Bay of Bangal has moved  Northwestwards and now lies over West Central Bay of Bengal.It is centered at about (475) Nautical miles West-Northwest of Port Blair, (215) Nautical miles South-Southeast of Vishakhapatnam, (315) Nautical miles South of Puri (India), (475) Nautical miles Westof Coco-Island and (540) Nautical miles West-Southwest of Hainggyigyun (Myanmar).
It is not moving towards Myanmar coasts, the present stage of the Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani” is coded yellow stage.
Position of Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani”, centre pressure and wind
The Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani” is located at Latitude (14.5) degree North and Longitude (85.4) degree East, centre pressure of Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani” is (988) hPa and maximum wind speed near the centre is (65-70) miles per hour at (17:30)hrs MST 9 May.
During next (72) hrs forecast
The Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani” is forecast continuous to move Northwestwards and reach to West Central Bay and adjoining Northwest Bay of Bengal (off north Andhra Pradesh-Odisha coasts, India) around (10-5-2022) and recurve to North-Northeastwards and reach to Northwest Bay of Bengal (off Odisha coast, India). It is likely to weaken gradually into a Cyclonic Storm “Asani” during next (24) hrs and into a Deep Depression around (11-5-2022).
General caution
Due to the Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani”, rain or thundershowers will be fairly widespread to widespread in Nay Pyi Taw, Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Regions and Kachin, Shan, Chin, Rakhine, Kayah, Kayin and Mon States with likelihood of regionally and isolated heavyfalls in some Regions and States from tonight to (13.5.2022).Occasional squalls with rough seas will be experienced off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (40) mph Wave height will be about (8-12) feet off and along Myanmar Coasts.
Due to the Severe Cyclonic Storm “Asani”, people should be aware rain or thundershowers with strong wind and domestic flight, trawlers, vessels and ships in off and along Myanmar Coasts.      — Department of Meteorology and Hydrology

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