Set a great expectation over livestock farms

Today’s global countries are striving for booming their economy based on agriculture and livestock farming works which supply food to the peoples.
Those countries emphasize the operation of agriculture and livestock farms in order to supply food to the people and earn incomes from the export of surplus agricultural produce and livestock products in various forms to foreign partners.
People in Myanmar primarily consume meat and fish produced from chicken, pig, goat, cow and fish farms. In this regard, farmers are to always focus on the operation of livestock farms and seek expertise from livestock breeding experts on how to improve their farms. Only when livestock farmers apply the expertise of experts for running the livestock farms, will they have great success in the work process.
Not only poultry but cattle farming work needs various kinds of farming works such as cage system, free herding system and herding under care system. Among them, the cage system is the best for fully feeding the animals.
Livestock farms must be run with the techniques and experts of livestock experts. As such, the role of livestock experts is crucial in the development of the livestock sector. Hence, the State leaders arrange for turning out of livestock professionals with the establishment of agriculture and livestock institutes, colleges and universities.
In fact, neighbouring countries of Myanmar have established a larger number of institutions than Myanmar that are turning out livestock professionals and technicians. Hence, Myanmar needs to produce many livestock professionals and technicians to be able to catch up with the development of livestock farming works from neighbouring countries.
That is why the government decided to establish the institutions to turn out an adequate number of agriculture and livestock professionals as human resources reliable for the agriculture and livestock sectors of Myanmar.
Recently, the government released notifications to extend districts in the entire nation. The other day, the State leaders pledged to establish more and more livestock technological training schools in the newly-formed districts across the nation. Moreover, good news has come out that the outstanding trainees who graduated from the aforesaid training schools will be allowed to continuously learn high education in order to turn out highly-qualified human resources reliable for the livestock sector.
Now is the best time to initiate the better running of livestock farms in order to meet the demand of local people with the opportunities to export the surplus to the international market. But, these livestock farms must be operated on a commercial scale with a great expectation for achieving success.


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