Seintalone mango from Kanbalu District to be shipped to China

signal 2022 sskm 1
Young Seintalone mango plants are bearing fruits in the farms in special farming zone of Kanbalu District in Sagaing Region. Photo : Lu Lay

Seintalone mango produced in the Seintalone Special Farming Zone in Kanbalu District, Sagaing Region will be conveyed to China through Muse border post.
“The mango harvest started on 15 May. They are designated for Chinese market. The minimum price is approximately 90-100 Yuan per 16-kg basket. Each mango can fetch up to 120 Yuan in maximum. As mango is abundantly flowing into the market at present, the price is slightly decreasing,” said U Than Tun Oo, staff officer of Kanbalu District Agriculture Department’s farm.
Sagaing Region Agriculture Department designated 2,500 acres in Kyunhla and Kanbalu townships as Seintalone Special Farming Zone as a trade mark.
There is a total of 148 mango growers engaged in 3,052 acres of Seintalone and other mango varieties in Kanbalu and Kyunhla townships.
“The trade barrier is high transportation charges resulted from the fuel oil hike. Additionally, other general cost related to the virus policy add additional charges.
However, the mango market does not collapse like watermelon market happened. The trade is steadily flowing. This year is unlikely to see as more losses as last year,” said U Than Tun Oo.
A five-year old Seintalone mango tree can bear 20-30 fruits.
The yield rate is 70-80 fruits per 10-year old tree. About 100 trees can be grown per acre, if the distance between tees is 20 feet.—Lu Lay/GNLM

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