Seek the best way for fostering durable peace


T he pursuit of lasting peace is a paramount goal for the people of Myanmar today. Achieving internal peace that endures requires concerted efforts from all parties involved. It is widely understood that nationwide peace can only be achieved when all stakeholders commit to laying down their arms and ammunition, thus embracing the peace process as a whole.
Individuals who seek to incite conflict often do so out of self-interest or irrationality, serving only to destabilize the nation and hinder progress. These individuals, whether driven by personal gain or ideological fervour, do not serve the greater good or national interests. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize the establishment of durable peace across the entire nation and to root out those who persistently undermine peace efforts and the nation’s tranquillity.
Myanmar has witnessed the emergence of various armed groups over time, each citing different reasons rooted in the protection of sovereignty and independence. However, the legacy of neo-colonialism has perpetuated armed conflicts, both internally and through external instigations. The decision to resort to armed struggle as a solution to diverse problems only exacerbates the nation’s plight, prolonging internal conflicts for over seven decades.
Those advocating for armed struggle must reckon with the dire consequences it inflicts, particularly on the lives of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who flee conflict zones. This year, in particular, has exacerbated the plight of IDPs, with ongoing fighting compounded by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and other unforeseen circumstances. The lack of access to education, healthcare, food, and security compounds the suffering endured by IDPs.
While some may take peace for granted, those living in constant fear of violence and instability yearn for its realization more than ever. Peace processes must extend beyond mere rhetoric and translate into tangible improvements in people’s lives. Even as those who enjoy socioeconomic privilege may fail to grasp the entire significance of peace, the citizens who endure the constant threat of explosions and firearms harbour unprecedented aspirations for the restoration of enduring peace.
That is why forging lasting peace in Myanmar requires a collective commitment to laying down arms, addressing the root causes of conflict, and prioritizing the well-being of all citizens, particularly the most vulnerable. Only through genuine reconciliation and sustained efforts can Myanmar overcome the legacy of conflict and embrace a future defined by peace and prosperity for all.

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