Security forces will take serious action against perpetrators or groups that launch brutal attacks: Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun

General ZMT sskm
Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun.

Q: It is heard that you made a response to the attack on a passenger flight in Loikaw. I would like to ask how the security forces would take action against such a terrible attack.
A: International countries and the whole world regard terrorist attacks on public transport such as passenger flights, trains, and buses as a direct threat to the public. It is a direct act of terrorism to the public. The case in Loikaw is an attack on a passenger flight which carries 63 passengers. It left Yangon and flew at a lower level to land at Loikaw airport and circled the airport at 8:45 am. Meanwhile, it passed the places in the northern part of the airport where the KNPP and PDF terrorists are stationed. At that time, they shot the flight. The bullet pierced through into the cabin of the plane and one passenger was injured. After we released the statement, the unscrupulous media outlets misled the case as the attack occurred at the airport. There is a reason why they did that. As they know that the terrorist attack on public transport is a huge criminal case, they want to conceal the truth which is unconcealable. What I want to say is that the security forces will take serious action against the perpetrators or groups that launch such brutal attacks. —MNA

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