SAC Chair PM Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and family donate 3,000 copies of Public Science Treatises Volume IV & V

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Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn speaks on the donation event in Yangon yesterday.

A ceremony to donate books and publications to libraries, military headquarters, regiments, and units across the nation, along with a campaign to promote reading habits, took place in Yangon yesterday.
Speaking at the event, Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn, in his capacity as Chairman of the Myanmar Libraries Development Cooperation Committee, stated that the books and publications donated by the Prime Minister, his wife, and his family were intended to encourage reading under the Prime Minister’s guidance. With the rise of AI technology, the Prime Minister has personally financed the donation of science-related books and publications. The Union minister also urged the students attending the event to read various kinds of books daily, encouraging them to become reliable citizens of the country by reading the donated Public Science Treatises.
Following this, the Union minister handed over 3,000 copies of Public Science Treatises Volumes IV and V to the relevant officials on behalf of the Prime Minister and his wife: 250 copies for libraries in Yangon, 1,000 copies for military headquarters, regiments, and units, and 1,750 copies for the Myanmar Libraries Foundation.
Patron of Myanmar Libraries Foundation U Kyaw San then presented 250 copies of Public Science Treatises Volumes IV and V to Yangon Region Social Affairs Minister U Htay Aung, who also chairs the Yangon Region Libraries Supervisory Committee.
After the donation ceremony, U Kyi Soe Tun (writer Maung Kyauk Khe) from the Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization discussed measures to promote reading habits. Students then performed, and the Union minister awarded K1 million to them. — MNA/KTZH

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