Russia’s premier agribusiness trade fairs welcome Myanmar business participation

The co-located trade fairs, Agros 2025 Expo and Potato Horti AgriTech 2025 Expo that will take place on 22-24 January 2025 in Moscow, Russia, invites the participation of Myanmar businesspeople engaged in the agricultural industry to bring together international manufacturers and suppliers of modern solutions for production and processing of potations, vegetables and fruits, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
Exhibiting sectors are related to seeds, varieties, agricultural machinery for potato and vegetable production and forage production, plant protection and nutrition inputs, equipment for primary processing, equipment for industrial processing, feed mill and grain tech, equipment and genetics for poultry, pig, dairy and beef cattle production, milking equipment, feed and components, veterinary and disinfection products, and miscellaneous. — NN/KK

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