Russia National Day celebrated with grand gala in Yangon

TW1 8972 sskm
General Maung Maung Aye and Russian Ambassador Mr Iskander Azizov shake hands at the Russia National Day celebrated with grand gala in Yangon yesterday.

The grand gala for Russia National Day took place at Lotte Hotel in Yangon yesterday evening, with State Administration Council Member and Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy, Air) General Maung Maung Aye and his wife in attendance.
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Myanmar, Mr Iskander Azizov, along with other officials, warmly welcomed the guests.
The event commenced with the playing of the national anthems of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Russian Federation. Ambassador Iskander Azizov delivered a speech, followed by performances of traditional cultural songs and dances by the cultural troupe of the Russian Federation.
Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy, Air) General Maung Maung Aye and Ambassador Iskander Azizov then cut a commemorative cake to celebrate Russia National Day.
Among the attendees were Union ministers, the Yangon Region chief minister, Tatmadaw officers, ambassadors from foreign embassies, chargés d’affaires, military attaches, and other invitees. — MNA/TMT

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