Rivers, including Ayeyawady, expected to exceed critical levels in early October

The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology announced that the water levels of most major rivers, including the Ayeyawady, may rise above the alarming water level in the

first week of October.
The water level of the Ayeyawady may rise by one to two feet in Myitkyina, Bhamo and Shwegu and it may increase by half to two feet in Minbu, Magway, Aunglan, Pyay, Seiktha, Hinthada and Zalun.
In addition, the water level of the Ayeyawady in Katha, Thabeikkyin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Myinmu, Pakokku, NyaungU and Chauk may drop by approximately two to three feet.
The water level of the Chindwin River may increase half to two feet in Khamti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawlaik, Kalewa, Mingin, Kani and Monywa.
In addition, the water level of the Myittha river is expected to rise by one foot in the city of Kalay. The water level of the Sittoung river ranges from half a foot to one foot in Toungoo and Madauk. The water level of the Shwegyin River may increase one foot in Shwegyin. The Bago river’s water level may increase by two to three feet in Zaungtu and Bago. The water level of the Thanlwin river is projected to rise by one and a half feet in Hpa-an and may increase by three feet in Myawady.
The water level of the Ngawun river may increase by one to one and half feet in Ngathainggyoung, Thaboung and Pathein. The water level of the Toe River may rise by one foot in Maubin. The water level of the Kalatan river may increase by one to two feet in Paletwa and Kyauktaw. The water level of the Laymyo river may rise by half a foot in MraukU and the water level of the Bilin river may increase by one and a half feet in Bilin.
Similarly, according to statement, the water level of the Dokhtawady river may drop by half to one foot below the current water level in Hsipaw, Shwesayan and Myitnge. — TWA/KZW

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