Rakhine State Chief Minister inspects arrivals of consumer goods

DSC 5009 sskm
The photo shows the operations handled at the Sittway Port. Photo: Win Min Soe

Rehabilitation materials are being shipped to Rakhine State under the guidance of the Department of Disaster Management, as directed by the Rakhine State government and the transport and communication committee.
Yesterday morning, Rakhine Chief Minister U Htein Linn, along with government members and departmental officials, inspected the arrival of consumer goods and construction materials delivered by MV Royal Venus cargo ship at Sittway jetty.
MV Royal Venus carried a total of 2,083.44 tonnes of rice, fuel oil, foodstuffs, construction materials, and related items ordered by the Rakhine State government.
During the visit to the port, the chief minister and accompanying officials oversaw the cargo handling operations using mechanized equipment. They emphasized the importance of careful handling to prevent damage to the goods.
Additionally, the chief minister and party inspected the handling operations of rice bags and food products from MV Ye Tun Aung and MV Aung Yadanar cargo ships.
Furthermore, the chief minister reviewed the handling operations of consumer goods from MV Shwe Yee Wutt Hmone cargo ship at Phaungtawgyi jetty in Sittway. — Tin Tun (IPRD)/TRKM

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