Price of Seintalone mango exported to China plummets this year

Sein Ta Lone sskm
At present, Myanmar has been exporting around 10 or 15 mango loaded trucks to China daily. Those mangoes are from Sagaing and Katha townships, according to the association.

General Secretary U Kyaw Soe Naing of the Myanmar Mango Market and Technology Development Association said that the price of Seintalone mango (Diamond Solitaire) exported to neighbouring China has plummeted this year compared to that of last year.
Last year, Seintalone mangoes fetched around 120 Yuans per 16 kg basket. But this year, the price of Seintalone mangoes dropped down to under 100 Yuans per 16 kg basket.
“The price of mangoes plunged this year compared to that of the previous year. The traders received only around or less than 100 Yuans per basket. This could not make the profit under the market condition,” said U Kyaw Soe Naing.
“Besides, more than thousands of mango loaded trucks are stranded in Kyin San Kyawt checkpoint at the Myanmar-China border. As a result, the quality of Myanmar mangoes exported to China is declining, and the prices are also dropping exponentially. The export of Seintalone mango to China has also fallen by half this year than last year,” he added.
The price of Seintalone mango exported to China has plummeted because China has closed some checkpoints because of COVID-19. Their inspection of the products is taking a longer time than previously.
At present, Myanmar has been exporting around 10 or 15 mango loaded trucks to China daily. Those mangoes are from Sagaing and Katha townships, according to the association.
There are more than 200 mango species in Myanmar. Among them, Seintalone, Shwehintha, Padamyar Nga-Mauk, Yinkwe and Machitsu mango species are grown chiefly. Also, Myakyauk and Kyauktaing mangoes from Monywa, Sagaing region are also produced from the area.
Mangoes are grown primarily on the Ayeyawady region on about 46,000 acres of land, followed by the Bago region with 43,000 acres and the Mandalay region with 29,000 acres. Besides, there are more than 24,000 acres of mangoes in Kayin State, over 20,400 acres in Shan State and over 20,000 acres in the Sagaing region. — NN/GNLM

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