Post milestones in enumeration of census population

The enumeration of the census population plays a pivotal role in shaping government policies and strategic plans across various sectors such as social, economic, and management within a nation. It provides invaluable insights into the demographic landscape, enabling informed decision-making. As Myanmar moves forward, it’s essential to acknowledge the historical milestones in its census-taking journey.
Looking back, Myanmar has conducted eight census enumerations, primarily during the British colonial era in 1872, 1891, 1901, 1911, 1921, 1931, and 1941. After gaining independence, Myanmar’s government continued this practice, conducting censuses in 1953-54, 1973, 1983, and most recently in 2014. Additionally, interim censuses have been successfully executed throughout the nation, contributing significantly to the country’s population and socioeconomic data.

Enumerating the census and household data accurately is a national duty that each citizen should embrace with participation, as it is a critical step toward achieving a significant milestone in the nation’s history. It lays the foundation for a brighter and more informed future for the State, allowing Myanmar to navigate its path toward progress and development for the entire people and the whole country with confidence.

A new milestone on the horizon is the forthcoming enumeration of census and household registration data scheduled for 1 to 15 October 2024, marking a decade since the last census in 2014. Recognizing the gravity of this task and its implications for the nation’s future, government officials and departmental personnel must make thorough preparations to navigate the challenges it presents. The Ministry of Immigration and Population plans to conduct a test census in 100 selected areas across 20 townships in October as part of the preparations.
The data collected through this census enumeration will have direct implications for government departments and the entire population. This data will serve as a cornerstone for policymaking in politics, economics, defence, social services, management, and disaster preparedness and relief efforts. Every citizen should grasp the essential role that population census plays in nation-building endeavours.
Therefore, it is not only the residents of the 20 test plot townships but also government personnel and relevant organizations who must collaborate with the Ministry of Immigration and Population and other authorities to ensure a seamless enumeration process. Furthermore, citizens are encouraged to cooperate with enumeration teams by providing accurate information during data collection. Only with accurate population data can the country effectively implement projects aimed at modernization.
Enumerating the census and household data accurately is a national duty that each citizen should embrace with participation, as it is a critical step toward achieving a significant milestone in the nation’s history. It lays the foundation for a brighter and more informed future for the State, allowing Myanmar to navigate its path toward progress and development for the entire people and the whole country with confidence.

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