Over one mln students head back to schools in Yangon

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Schoolboys at Basic Education High School No 6 Botahtaung at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year. Photo: KANU

The basic education schools in Yangon for the 2024-2025 Academic Year reopened yesterday, and a total of 1,007,695 students attended 2,754 schools peacefully.
During the school enrollment week from 23 May to 2 June, school enrolments were made at 2,754 schools – 1,680 primary schools, 665 middle schools and 409 high schools in Yangon Region, and a total of 1,007,695 students attended the school on the first school opening day.
Yangon Region Education Officer Dr Cho Cho Myat Aung said, “We cooperated with the regional government in activities such as cleaning the school compound, classrooms and desks for the students to be able to study on 3 June under the guidance of the Head of State.”
Botahtaung District Education Officer Dr Khin Thu Sein said, “There are 134 basic education schools, nine monastic schools and 16 private schools in Botahtaung District. There are 5,450 school enrolments until 2 June. It is a free education policy, and all the schools the township are instructed not to collect any charges. During the school enrollment week, we conducted school cleaning activities together with the district administration body and school committee members. We will try to reduce the dropout rate. We also gave the assistance to the students on the school enrolment day. The school headmasters and headmistresses are also instructed to create proper circumstances for displaced students and students who suspended their education for various reasons to be able to enrol. The number of students has increased this year compared to the previous year thanks to the education policy that provides an equal education system for all.”
Maung Min Khant Nyi Nyi, a Grade 11 student of No 6 BEHS, Botahtaung, said, “I spent my holiday playing games and reading, and I also missed my friends. I am the happiest person on the school opening day. I am glad that I meet almost all of my friends. I did well in Grade 10 under the guidance of the teachers, and I am so proud to have been able to study in Grade 11. I want to be a sailor just like my father. Therefore, I am studying hard. I could not sit for the outstanding student selection exam last year, so I will try to take the exam this year. I always wish my friends to be interested in their studies and become good students for the country.” — Nyein Thu (MNA)/KTZH

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