Over 4 mln Myanmar people receive COVID-19 vaccines: MoH


More than 4 million people in Myanmar have received COVID-19 vaccines as of 21 August, according to the report of the Ministry of Health. To aim at controlling the spreading of COVID-19, the vaccines are being administrated in target groups across the country.
As of 21 August, a total of 4,456,857 people were given vaccines across the country. Among them, 2,660,027 people have received the first dose and another 1,796,830 people have received both doses so far.
Under the vaccination programme in Myanmar, three million of Sinopharm and Sinovac jabs had arrived from China in July. Besides, another three million doses of vaccine will also arrive in August, according to the MoH.
“Efforts are being made to provide more vaccines to the public rapidly. Negotiations are also underway to purchase more vaccines. We have already received the four million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Two million doses of the Sinopharm (Beijing) vaccine were also received last month. Another two million COVID-19 vaccines being purchased from Russia will also arrive in a short period, said an official from the Ministry of Health.
Although Covishield jabs being purchased from India will be arriving in Myanmar, India temporarily suspended the export sector of its vaccines.
The MoH urged 50 per cent of the population over the age of 18 to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of 2021. The MoH also warned the people to follow the COVID-19 rules and regulations. — Aye Maung/GNLM

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