Online passport booking now available in Nay Pyi Taw and three regions

Starting from 26 February, an online booking system for passport applications will be operational in four regions, including Nay Pyi Taw.
The Myanmar Passport Office will introduce this system in its Mandalay, Pathein, Nay Pyi Taw, and Bago branch offices.
According to reports, passport issuance continues as usual, with the Yangon passport office serving approximately 2,700 individuals through the online booking system.
Furthermore, passport offices in Nay Pyi Taw, Myitkyina, Haka, Loikaw, Magway, Mandalay, Monywa, Taunggyi, Kengtung, Lashio, Tachilek, Hpa-an, Myawady, Mawlamyine, Dawei, Kawthoung, Pathein, Sittway, and Bago operate on regular working days.
Applicants planning to visit the Mandalay, Pathein, Nay Pyi Taw, and Bago branch offices must book appointments online starting at 9 am from 25 February using KBZ Pay and MPU cards. However, they must also possess household registration forms from their respective state or region corresponding to the designated offices. Failure to present these documents will result in the unavailability of services, even with a confirmed booking. Additionally, applicants with appointment dates obtained through online booking must bring UID numbers verified by the immigration department.
Online booking can be accessed at, and payments can be made using KBZ Pay or MPU cards. — TWA/TMT

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