New infrastructures of health sector in Yangon opened

MB 8982

A new medical store with cold storage and a two-storyed medical ward of Hmawby People’s Hospital under the Department of Public Health of Yangon Region were opened on 15 and 16 June respectively.
Union Minister for Health Prof Dr Thet Khaing Win attended the ceremonies.
The medical store is a three-storeyed building and the opening ceremony was held on 15 June. The Union Minister and officials observed the storage system at the new storage.
The Union minister in his address said that there are 14 central-level hospitals in the Yangon Region, 70 hospitals at district and township levels, 14 maternal and child health departments, 26 local health centres, 91 rural health centres and 435 rural health branches have been opened.
He continued that the rate of nationwide vaccination has increased more than double in 2022 and 2023 compared to that of 2021; therefore, infection and diseases in children could be prevented. Penta3, the third dose of pentavalent vaccination, coverage in Yangon Region has been increased to 90 per cent in 2023 from 42 per cent in 2021, he added. It is also projected that the medical store can keep medications for two months.
On 16 June, the two-storyed medical ward was commissioned into service at Hmawby Township People’s Hospital.
Yangon Region Chief Minister donated 20 air-conditioners for the two-storeyed medical ward.
The Union minister, the Yangon Region Chief Minister, and officials presented cash assistance to the patient. — MNA/TMT

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