Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory crowded with benevolent contributors on 1st day of Myanmar New Year

As yesterday was the end of the year 1384 of the Myanmar Era and the transition to the year 1385, the impurities from the old year are washed away with water during the Thingyan festival, and the impurities of the mind are cleansed by offering charity, beginning the new year with auspiciousness.
On the first day of Myanmar New Year, people uphold Sabbath virtues at pagodas, temples and monasteries from all over Myanmar, provide personal hygiene to elders, and do meritorious deeds by sparing lives and donating food.
Therefore, from the morning of the first day of the new year, the Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory was also packed with people doing good deeds by upholding the virtues, listening to sermons recited by the monks, releasing living beings and making donations.
The Uppatasanti Pagoda, Dartucaya Datpaungsu Pagoda, Maha Thakyaranthi Pagoda, Hlaykhwin Taung Pagoda, Phayakoesu Pagoda, Lawka Marazein Pagoda, Yanaungmyin Shwelathla Pagoda, , Phaungtaw Chatma Pagoda and other famous pagodas were also crowded with devotees yesterday. — Jaing Law/CT

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