Nay Pyi Taw opens basic education schools

The basic education schools for the 2024-2025 Academic Year reopened across the nation and also in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory yesterday, and the students peacefully attended the school.
No 5 BEHS Headmaster U Win Myint Oo said, “The school enrolment week is recognized from 23 May to 2 June according to the instruction of the Ministry of Education. There are 2,597 students enrolled to date. KG+12 education system aims to train the children to be perfect with five essential strengths. In addition to the school curriculums, it includes a collaborative education system, so there are many advantages. The school fee is free at the basic education schools. If the students work hard, they will become outstanding ones. Our school turns out outstanding students every year. We will also start training the outstanding ones for the coming year. Currently, the Head of the State establishes libraries with the aim of building a developing and peaceful nation if all the citizens read properly. Therefore, we have added reading classes to our school timetable. There will be one reading session for each class”.
No 11 BEHS Headmistress Daw Thet Thet Thin said, “The strange thing for this year is that we have added a reading session in the eight-period timetable. There is a library for primary and another one for middle and high school levels at our school. We arrange proper books for the different levels of students. We added books that are useful for academics, history-related biographies, and geography-related books. We also arrange science books to support innovations and mathematics books to develop calculating. The benefit of reading is very huge. Therefore, I want all to read.”
She continued, “The KG+12 curriculum includes question-and-answer sessions between the teacher and student. It also carries group work and pair work to accelerate cooperation. They will be flexible. They have to think about the teaching aids materials on their own, so they obtain critical thinking skills and become more interested in their lessons. Deep thinking is the main objective of KG+12 education system, and so they can develop deep critical thinking skills, which are the main pillar of education. The schools are complete when there are students in the school compound. If there are some difficulties in attending school, we accept the school enrolment without off days.”
The government provides free textbooks, notebooks, pencils and ball-pens to all primary to high school students.
There are 31,104 high school students, 56,766 middle school students and 135,480 primary school students, totalling 223,350 students who attend the schools, including basic education schools, monastic schools and private schools in Nay Pyi Taw. — Thant Jaing/KTZH

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