Nationwide census set for October 2024 with contingency plans, advanced training

IMG 44a9098 sskm
Record of pilot project for the national census on the number of people and households in Mingaladon Township, Yangon Region.

A 15-day nationwide census will be conducted from 1 to 15 October 2024, announced Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing during a meeting on the census held at the hall of the Mandalay City Development Committee on 7 June.
He also mentioned that preparations must be made in advance to extend the census period if it cannot be completed within the specified timeframe due to security concerns or transportation difficulties.
Furthermore, various levels of training courses in census-taking, including multiplier courses, will be conducted in August. Census will comprise 68 questions related to family and 18 more questions for organizations. Additionally, both the de facto and computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) systems will be utilized. — TWA/TKO

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