Myanmar’s 59 protected areas cover 6.42% of country

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation is implementing the State’s policy on environmental protection and biodiversity across 10.7 million acres distributed among 59 ecological protection areas, covering 6.42 per cent of the country’s total area, said U Nyein Aung, a Staff Officer of the Department of Forest’s Environment and Wildlife Conservation Division.
He also said that Myanmar ranks third among ASEAN countries in terms of ownership of ASEAN heritage parks. The eight heritage parks in the country are Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary, Khakaborazi National Park, Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, Alaungtaw Kathapha National Park, Mainmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary, Natma Taung National Park, the Lampi Marine National Park, and Htamathi Wildlife Sanctuary.
“Under the State policy, there are objectives to conserve forest on up to 30 per cent of the country’s area and to establish reserved forests, protected public forests, and environmental protection areas on nearly 10 per cent of the country’s area,” U Nyein Aung said.
Myanmar cooperates with ASEAN countries in environmental conservation work. It also works with NGOs and residents to develop national parks and protect wild animals in the region.
Similarly, in order to promote regional cooperation in the management of nature and biodiversity conservation in the ASEAN region, ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural conservation areas with unique cultural and traditional values are designated and maintained as ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs).
In addition to this, conservation work is being carried out in areas such as scientific reserves, national parks, marine national parks, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, geo-feature significant regions, and community-conserved protected areas. — ASH/TH

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