Myanmar student youths to attend BRIDGE Summer Camp-2024 in Japan

20240622 163944 sskm
Awarding ceremony in progress for four basic education students as junior ambassadors who will attend the BRIDGE Summer Camp-2024 in Fukuoka of Japan.

The Myanmar Japan Association provides training to four basic education students as junior ambassadors to attend the BRIDGE Summer Camp-2024, which is organized by Japan’s Fukuoka-based Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention-APCC.
Those students are Maung Lin Htet Paing, Grade 6 of Dagon Basic Education High School No 1 in Yangon, Maung Phone Zay Hein, Grade 5 of Kamayut Practising Training School of Yangon, Ma Thoon Thet Htar Aung, Grade 5 of Dagon BEHS No 1 of Yangon and Ma Shin Thant Phyu, Grade 5 of Mingaladon BEHS No 2 (Aung San Thuriya Hla Thaung School) of Yangon.
Yesterday, a ceremony to present the certificate of junior ambassador to four students took place at Nay Pyi Taw Thingaha Hotel.
The Chair of the Myanmar Japan Association presented recognition certificates and necessary accessories for their trip to summer camp to the students.
The secretary of the association will head the four-student team to Fukuoka, Japan, in the first week of July. During the 10-day camping trip, they will meet with student youths from 48 Asia-Pacific countries, visit schools in Japan and join the homestay at the houses of Japanese students. — GNLM

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