Myanmar, ReCAAP discuss boosting anti-piracy, anti-armed robbery cooperation

Myanmar Charge’ d’ Affaires U Zaw Zaw Soe and ReCAAP Executive Director Mr Krishnaswamy Natarajan seen in talks.

A discussion on collaboration between the Myanmar Coast Guard and the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combatting Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) was held on 12 June 2024 at the Myanmar Embassy in Singapore.
The discussion took place between Myanmar Chargé d’Affaires U Zaw Zaw Soe and Mr Krishnaswamy Natarajan, Executive Director of ReCAAP and former Director-General of the Indian Coast Guard.
During the meeting, they cordially exchanged views on promoting cooperation between the Myanmar Coast Guard and ReCAAP, sharing information, and providing training to enhance the capacity of their respective coast guards. ReCAAP is the first regional government-to-government agreement aimed at promoting and enhancing cooperation against piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia. — ASH/TMT

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