Myanmar opens National Disease Control and Medical Training Centre in Nay Pyi Taw

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On behalf of the Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister, State Administration Council Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dwe views round the Myanmar National Centre for Disease Control and Medical Training Centre in Nay Pyi Taw at yesterday’s opening event.

The opening ceremony of the Myanmar National Centre for Disease Control and Medical Training Centre was organized in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
The event was attended by State Administration Council Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dwe, on behalf of the Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister, SAC members, Union ministers, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chairman, deputy ministers, departmental officials, rectors and professors, central-level medical superintendents, medical experts, the Chinese ambassador to Myanmar, officials of China CDC, representatives of ASEAN countries and invitees.
Speaking at the event, the SAC Secretary, on behalf of the Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister, said the government adds “to elevate the health and sports sectors crucial for all the people, thus improving the nation’s life expectancy and health in social affairs objectives and is now implementing that objective. Public healthcare services offered by the Ministry of Health should be performed by qualified health workers who meet international standards.
The world countries faced natural disasters and pandemics, and Myanmar also encountered the COVID-19 pandemic that started in December 2019 and Cyclone Mocha in May 2023.
He also highlighted the need to prepare for zoonotic diseases, including new diseases and existing diseases, to enhance the capacity of health workers to conduct preventive measures and responses and to apply modern techniques.
He continued that the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were established in the world countries. In Myanmar, the Chinese government assisted in establishing the centre for conducting international-standard disease control, research and human resources development activities as a symbol of bilateral relations. The Myanmar National Centre for Disease Control and Medical Training Centre project was undertaken using 330 million yuan in Nay Pyi Taw. The establishment of the Myanmar CDC Centre can upgrade the health standard of the country, keeping abreast with other countries and implementing international health regulations and global health security more effectively.
He then talked about the benefits of the China-aided CDC and medical training centre, including the application of GIS and GPS as central public health emergency response unit based on that CDC and medical training centre, research on food security, nutrition, occupational and environmental health and development activities.
He continued that the Myanmar CDC is accompanied by a medical training centre so that qualified human resources can be produced. Officials of the Ministry of Health made observation trips to the Jiangsu Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention to be able to establish Myanmar CDC and medical training centre that includes biosafety level 1, 2 and 3 laboratories, international standard laboratories, disease prevention and control systems, and a facility that can accommodate about 200 trainees, while another one training hall that can accommodate 200 trainees, one training hall that has capacity for 100 trainees and four halls for 50 trainees each.
Moreover, 35 lab experts were also sent to Jiangsu CDC for six months for theoretical and practical sessions. The practical sessions will also be made with the Chinese experts after opening this centre. The centre will showcase historical records of Myanmar’s health sector for the health workers, people and students so as to know historical evidence.
Then, he expressed gratitude to the Chinese government and its people, officials of the China Communications Construction Company – Third Harbour Engineering Co Ltd, experts of Jiangsu CDC and officials of the Ministry of Health for their support and assistance in establishing Myanmar CDC and medical training centre on behalf of the government and the people.
Chinese Ambassador Mr Chen Hai then clarified the Myanmar CDC and Medical Training Centre and played a video clip of the centre.
The Chinese ambassador handed over the documents for the centre to the Union minister, and the latter gave a certificate of gratitude and appreciation in return.
The construction of the Myanmar CDC and Medical Training Centre started in 2021 as a symbol of Myanmar-China friendship. It was completed in May 2024 and inaugurated on 13 June. — MNA/KTZH

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