Myanmar-Korea sign MoU for realty development

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The MoU signing event between Myanmar and Korea on property development in progress yesterday.

The Myanmar Real Estate Entrepreneur Services Association (MRESA) and the Korea Real Estate Service Development Association signed an MoU yesterday with the aim of exploring and enhancing the real estate sector and real estate agent role.
The MoU was signed by Chairman Dr Eric Parle of the Korea Real Estate Service Development Association and Chairman U Khin Maung Than of the Myanmar Real Estate Services Association (Central) at the MRESA annual meeting held at Sky Star Hotel in Yangon.
“We will exchange real estate services law and the proper services. We will promote the sector, hold talk shows and conduct training sessions. Therefore, we signed the MoU. If we have proper engagement with international countries, they will be aware, and there might be benefits for the members,” said MRESA Chair U Khin Maung Than. — Arkar Lin/KTZH

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