Myanmar jaggery sees strong domestic sales

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Myanmar traditional food, jaggery

The sale of Myanmar jaggery has not fallen even in the monsoon season in the domestic market.

“It is monsoon, but domestic consumption hasn’t declined. The trading has run regularly. Orders have been received. Jaggery is used mainly to make local snacks. Jaggery is mainly produced from Pakokku and nearby Kanma and Yesakyo,” said Ma Than Than Maw, who runs jaggery retail and wholesale trading in Pakokku Township.

Last May, jaggery sales were pretty good in the domestic market and overseas orders were received. During that period, the price slightly declined, although there were exports to overseas markets.

Jaggery is one of Myanmar’s traditional foods, and it is used in making snacks and medicines. Besides, it is used as a substitute for sugar.

The origin of jaggery is Anya (central Myanmar), and jaggery produced in Kyaukpadaung is the most popular. – Thit Taw/ZS/ED

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