Myanmar hosts ASEAN Committee Meeting in Canada

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Attendees at the transferring event of alternate chairmanship and the 285th meeting of the ASEAN Committee (Ottawa).

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, U Hau Khan Sum, Myanmar’s Ambassador to Canada and current Chair of the ASEAN Committee in Ottawa (ACO), hosted the 285th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee in Ottawa’s Heads of Missions (ACO HOMs) and a handover ceremony, followed by a working lunch on 20 June.
The event took place at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club and was attended by ASEAN heads of missions and members of the ACO working group. During the meeting, the ASEAN heads of missions discussed activities carried out during Myanmar’s ACO Chairmanship and outlined future plans. They also exchanged views on promoting ASEAN’s interests and identity in the host country, as well as shared updated information on ASEAN’s external relations with dialogue partners.
U Hau Khan Sum expressed his gratitude to the ASEAN heads of missions for their continued support and cooperation during his chairmanship. He then handed over the alternating chairmanship of the ACO to Ms Maria Andrelita S Austria, Ambassador of the Philippines to Canada.
The meeting was followed by a working lunch, during which the Russian Ambassador to Canada, Mr Oleg Stepanov, was also in attendance. Discussions focused on further strengthening the ASEAN-Russia strategic partnership and exchanging views on regional and international issues. — ASH/TMT

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