Myanmar exports 150,000+ MT of tissue-cultured bananas to China in April-May

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The image showcases some tissue-cultured banana plantations in Kachin State.

According to the Agricultural Department (Kachin State), Myanmar exported more than 150,000 tonnes of tissue-cultured bananas in April and May of the 2024-25 financial year through land borders from Kachin State.
Deputy head of Kachin State Agricultural Department U Aung Lwin Oo said, “A total of more than 120,000 tonnes of tissue-cultured bananas were exported in April and over 31,000 tonnes of tissue-cultured bananas in May this financial year through the Kampaiti and Lweje borders. Exports are decreasing at present since this is the cultivating season. From November to March, productivity is flourishing. Therefore, exporting is mainly carried out in those seasons. Farms in Myitkyina, Waingmaw and Bhamo mostly grow tissue-cultured bananas in Kachin State, in Sagaing Region and borderline townships of Kachin State.”
Tissue-cultured bananas produced within Kachin State are exported to China via Lweje and Kampaiti. Over 490,000 tonnes of tissue-cultured bananas were exported to China in the previous FY (2023-24). — ASH/TMT

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