Myanmar envisages long-term strategic green energy

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Union Construction Minister U Myo Thant addresses the 15th IIICF yesterday in Macao, China.

Myanmar has incorporated ecological protection, increasing renewable energy generation and green investment, protecting biodiversity and improving waste management into its long-term strategy, said Union Minister for Construction U Myo Thant at the 15th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum (15th IIICF) yesterday.
He continued that green innovation is essential for the sustainable development of all countries as it includes various innovative things and different subjects.
He also mentioned the implementation of green innovation projects for the transport sector, urban planning and housing sector in Myanmar.
He then talked about digital connectivity, which is known as the “digital economy” or 4IR. He called on participants to promote transparency and mutual benefits by cooperating in the construction sector via green innovation and digital connectivity.
Senior construction officials and representatives of Macao, international countries, the China International Contractors Association and the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute attended the forum. — MNA/KTZH

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